Quick Mint
Veteran users can directly mint using the Quick Mint page, without navigating through the markets.
Last updated
Veteran users can directly mint using the Quick Mint page, without navigating through the markets.
Last updated
Category: High level Market Type that the desired market in.
Asset: Asset that is related to the market.
Market Data: Communicates the oracle provider for the selected market. User can go to the contract's explorer page by clicking on the modal
Monitored Feeds: Communicates that the oracle is monitored by the price feed provider. User will not see this modal if oracle is verified. Chainlink's Data Feed Categories & their definitions can be found here.
Strike & deposit asset: Selecting the market for the respective asset. If "Strike" price is hit during the epoch period, the Market will be resolved in favor of Premium side as soon as oracle returns the strike price being hit or passed.
Epoch: Time frame of the market coverage for the given strike price.
Deposit & deposit collateral: Deposit collateral asset is the asset that will be used for depositing to the Market. User inputs the amount of deposits desired.
Strike met Payout: Payout to be made in case strike price is hit within the epoch period.
Strike not met Payout: Payout to be made in case strike price is not hit within the epoch period.
Market Card
Once the Mint Form is filled out, the Position details will be reflected on the Market Card.
Current TVL
Colour code blue: Collateral side deposits
Colour code pink: Premium side deposits
Colour code green: Wallet's deposit