Asset Page
Detailed view for the selected Asset & related Markets.
Last updated
Detailed view for the selected Asset & related Markets.
Last updated
Asset Stats
Available deposit collaterals: Deposit collaterals that are available for selected Asset's availability.
Alert regarding strike being hit: If a strike price for the respective asset is hit, this alert will be visible on the Asset page & Market Type pages. This alert will be shown until the epoch that the strike price is met in is over.
Asset price: Shows the latest answer from the oracle. Direction indicator shows the trend since between the latest & the previous oracle answer.
TVL: Total volume of the positions for the respective asset. This includes the active epoch, deposit period & queue deposits.
Price chart: Price movement of the asset according to the oracle answers. On the top right of the chart, users can see chart's timeframe. Dotted line is reflecting the available strike price(s).
Users can find all the available markets for the respective Market Type & Asset:
Name: Name showcases strike price & epoch length in the following format: and [STRIKEPRICE_EPOCHLENGTH]
Collateral ROI: Return on investment for the Collateral side deposits based on the current volume of Collateral & Premium sides for the respective market.
CollateralROI= ( potentialProfit* 0.95/ deposit) * 100
potentialProfit = totalPremiumReward*yourShareOfVault
(totalPremiumReward= totalPremiumDeposit0.95[Reflecting the 5% fee on Premium deposits] yourShareOfVault=[100yourDeposit]/totalDeposit)
Premium multiplier: Return on investment for the Premium side deposits based on the current volume of Collateral & Premium sides for the respective market.
Deposit asset: Available deposit collaterals for the respective market.
Positions: Number of positions that exists in the respective group for the connected wallet. The position is counted regardless, it is upcoming, ongoing or resolved.
Epoch time: Beginning & end dates of Market's epoch. Epoch time is labelled with the epoch classification. Currently Earthquake Vaults offer "Weekly" epochs.
Upcoming epoch TVL: Current total position volume for the next available epoch. This calculation does not include currently ongoing epoch.
Market Specific Wallet Statistics
Statistics for the connected wallet based on the selected market:
Wallet's Current TVL: Demonstrates the total position volume for the connected wallets based on the selected market.
Total potential profit: Profit to be made in case user's position wins.
Mint & Positions
Users can use buttons or tabs to Mint selected market & see upcoming/ongoing/resolved positions for the connect wallet.
TVL, ROI & Oracle Price
Retrospective TVL, ROI & price data that is returned by the respective oracle.
Mint Form
Users can deposit to the desired market & side using the Mint form:
Category: Will be auto-assigned based on the selected market above
Asset: Will be auto-assigned based on the selected market above
Market Data: Communicates the oracle provider for the selected market. User can go to the contract's explorer page by clicking on the modal
Monitored Feeds: Communicates that the oracle is monitored by the price feed provider. User will not see this modal if oracle is verified. Chainlink's Data Feed Categories & their definitions can be found here.
Strike & deposit asset: Will be auto-assigned based on the selected market above
Epoch: Will be auto-assigned based on the selected market above
Deposit & deposit collateral: Deposit collateral asset is auto-assigned based on the selected market above. User inputs the amount of deposits desired
Strike met Payout: Payout to be made in case strike price is hit within the epoch period.
Strike not met Payout: Payout to be made in case strike price is not hit within the epoch period.
Strike met Returns: ROI, in case strike price is hit within the epoch period.
User can see the positions for the selected market under "Positions" tab:
Position status: Communicates which period of the epoch life cycle the position is-
Upcoming: Coverage period as known as Epoch period has not started for the respective market.
Ongoing: Respective market is in the Epoch period.
Resolved: Respective market is reached to the conclusion.
(Expected) ROI: ROI is subject to change until the respective epoch starts depending on the deposit changes on the each side of the Vault.
ROI= ( potentialProfit* 0.95/ deposit) * 100
(Expected) payout: Payout to be made in case the conditions are met & subject to change until epoch starts depending on the deposit changes on the each side of the Vault.
(Expected) emissions: Y2K emissions to the position is subject to change until the respective epoch starts depending on the deposit changes on the each side of the Vault. Emission per share is subject to Total Emissions Emitted for the market.