ποΈUI Breakdown
This page explains the UI elements of the Strategies feature & how to interact with them.
Strategies page

Total Value Locked
Current total deposit volume by all users for all the strategies.
Total Emissions Earned
Total amount of Y2K emissions that are earned & not claimed by the strategy users.
Your Total Deposit
Current total deposit volume for all the strategy vaults by the connected wallet.

Strategy Position Weight
Communicates the weight of the strategy in terms of collateral/premium ratio.
Weekly ROI
Communicates that weekly ROI of the strategy based on the last epoch, extrapolated to the available capital.
Strategy Markets
Communicates the markets that are in the strategy vault. The bars demonstrates the weight per market in terms of premium/colllateral ratio.
Current Total Value Locked
Current total positions volume in the respective strategy vault by all the users.
Funds Deployed per Epoch
Proportion of the value that goes to strategy vaults per epoch: Every epoch the mentioned % value of the total values that are in the vault will be deployed to the ongoing epoch.
Your Current Value Locked
Current total value locked in the respective strategy vault for the connected wallet.
View Strategy
CTA that directs users to respective strategy specific page.
Strategy specific pages

Total Epochs Passed
Number of epochs passed since the strategy vault is deployed to production.
Your Total Deposit
Total deposit: Total deposit of the connected wallet. Includes the deposit that is queued for withdrawal but not processed.
Queue: Deposit that is queued. Queued deposits are included in the disposable balance in the following epoch.
Un-deployed: Funds that are not in queue & not used in the current epoch.
Current Deposit: Amount that is deployed to the ongoing epoch.
Your Emissions Balance
Communicates the claimable Y2K emissons balance for the connected wallet.
Market Resolution Based on Epochs
Communicates the market resolution, epoch weight per market(premium/collateral ratio), ROI(that is gained by the managed strategy vault) per market & PnL(that is gained by the managed strategy vault) per market. User can navigate through the epoch since the first epoch of the respective strategy vault.
User can see whether their funds will be queued in two different ways:
Epoch timer

If the epoch timer communicates that the "Epoch starts in: xD yH ttM" then user is in direct deposit period & the funds will not be queued.

If the epoch timer communicates that the "Epoch ends in: xD yH ttM" then user is in queue deposit period.
Pre-deposit information
In case the funds will be queued, the user will get information before depositing.
How are the shares valued?
ERC-4626 Vault in DeFi operates on a straightforward principle, with each vault functioning in the same manner. Its core calculation revolves around determining the value of its underlying assets divided by the total number of shares in circulation. In practical terms, this means that if a 4626 vault holds 2000 WETH (Wrapped Ether) and there are 1000 shares in existence, each share is equivalent to 2 WETH.
If the combined yield of all positions within the vault amounts to 10%, the value of each share increases by 10%.
Strategy Vault History
User can see actions that are taken by the connected address for the respective strategy vault & the actions of the strategy admin:
User successfully deposited to the strategy vault.
User successfully claimed the Y2K emissons.
Min Deposit Updated
Minimum queue amount is updated for the strategy vault.
Position Closed
Strategy epoch has concluded.
Position Deployed
Strategy epoch has started.
User has successfully entered to the queue for the respective strategy vault. The respective amount will be deposited at the end of the ongoing epoch.
User successfuly entered to the withdraw queue. User can withdraw the requested amount at the end of the ongoing epoch.
Vault List Updated
Markets that are in the strategy vault has been updated. User can find the new & updated markets on the strategy specific page.
Weight Strategy Updated
Markets' weights for the respective strategy has been updated. User can find the new & updated markets on the strategy specific page.
User has succesfully withdrew.
Last updated