Market Type Page
Discover diverse asset availability within a single Market Type.
Last updated
Discover diverse asset availability within a single Market Type.
Last updated
Market group pages are communicating the markets that are available under the respective market group.
Y2K Statistics
Number of Assets: Number of assets that are currently available for the respective Market Type through Y2K application. The count includes all the markets that are deployed & accessible for the respective Market Type.
Number of Markets: Number of markets that are currently available for the Market Types through Y2K application. The count includes all the markets that are deployed & accessible for the respective Market Type through
Current TVL: Current TVL includes all the deposits that are actively in Y2K Earthquake vaults for the respective Market Type.
Upcoming Epoch Emissions: Amount of the Y2K tokens to be distributed to Earthquake depositors for the respective Market Type in the next starting epoch.
Sort by ROI
The "Hottest" CTA sorts markets from highest ROI to lowest ROI. This sorting is based on the highest available ROI per asset.
Sort by Favourites
Users can favourite assets by clicking to the "Favourite" CTA that is placed on the top right of each asset.
Users can see all the favourite markets alphabetically sorted at the top of the list.
Users have a holistic view per asset for the selected Market Type:
Asset logo & deposit assets: Users can find the available deposit collaterals for the respective asset at the bottom right of the asset's logo.
Asset's price according to the latest oracle answer: The color code is showcasing the directional change between the current oracle answer & the previous one.
Assets current TVL: TVL=Current Epoch Deposits+Upcoming Epoch Deposits
Number of markets for the respective asset: Number of the markets available for the respective asset for the selected Market Type. The markets varies in deposit collateral, strike price & epoch length.
Collateral ROI: Return on investment for the Collateral side deposits based on the current volume of Collateral & Premium sides for the respective market.
CollateralROI= ( potentialProfit* 0.95/ deposit) * 100
potentialProfit = totalPremiumReward*yourShareOfVault
(totalPremiumReward= totalPremiumDeposit0.95[Reflecting the 5% fee on Premium deposits] yourShareOfVault=[100yourDeposit]/totalDeposit)
Premium multiplier: Return on investment for the Premium side deposits based on the current volume of Collateral & Premium sides for the respective market.
"View Asset" CTA: Leads the user to asset specific page where users can see different markets & user related data.
Market "Mint" CTA: Takes the user to Mint form with the prefilled information with selected market.